Ally’s Baby bump and life lessons!
I recently had the pleasure of photographing a very memorable occasion for Ally…she is soon to become a MOM ! This I understand..the swollen feet, the short of breath feeling, the supersensitive nose, the nausea but also how wonderful that feeling is of something kicking inside of you. Nothing beats that. We collaborated on ideas for the shoot taking inspo from the good ‘ol Kardashian gang amongst other things. I wanted to create a dreamy feel for her for this shoot as she is such a pretty dolly herself . I added lace, voile and pretty accessories to her to finish the look. She also brought a lovely pink set of lingerie with her that we shot with the robe (one of my favs as she is genuinely laughing in it! see below ) So you see ladies frumpy trackies and jumpers down to your ankles are fine for winter pregnancies but ditch it all for a glam shoot as you will never be captured looking this radiant again ! (until your next pregnancy that is.. lol)
Ally is taking it all cool as a cucumber – she will be an amazing mom and is super excited to meet her precious girl. She has decided upon a name for her but everyone in her position can second guess themselves which is completely normal as it’s two people in a lot of cases trying to meet in the middle somewhere with very different family values, traditions names and ideas. It’s a scary thing naming a person! I just kept picturing what will it sound like when they are in a nightclub for some reason! Ally did her own makeup for the shoot being a talented makeup artist in her own right – she knew exactly where to contour for the camera as we know more is more where photoshoots are concerned.

While editing her pictures I wished I had done a nice shoot myself – it was not the ‘in thing’ at the time and alas my little ‘baby’ Veda is now 14. I remember crying my eyes out through the whole pregnancy thinking I was having a boy and not being able to agree on names whatsoever. Hormone city! I secretly was hoping for a girl but think it did not hit me for a long time as I was dressing her in very boyish clothes for a few months until it sank in and the onslaught of ‘pretty dresses’ and future embarrassing pictures began – example below ! 2 years and a day later we welcomed another angel to our lives .. Yana. Again no cool pregnancy pics…sniff.. except for some swollen and bloated face ones in a hospital bed that I am hoping never surface! My next faux pas was the photoshoot in the home by a friend photographer of ours Sean Lydon .. again as I was so shellshocked after having a baby it did not occur to me to get dolled up or put on something nice. I remember his face as he walked in the door to me in my pj’s looking 3 times my usual size and saying did I want to put on something ? My response? ‘nah its grand’ .. I definitely had babybrain .
I can look at those images and laugh now but really I missed a fabulous opportunity. Artie my other half looked perfect as only men do with zero effort , the baby was lovely and then there was me… no comment. So ladies moral of the story .. document that special time in your life ..properly! Even if just doing it yourself , make sure the makeup is on, the hair is done and you are looking good for it as they are pictures that you will be looking over with your children for a long long time!