My date with Catherine Carton !
Having joined the ITBWN bloggers group in 2015 after some persuading by my friend Pricilla I have to say one of the highlights is meeting people with the same passions. Whether this is at some of the amazing meet ups we have with the ITWBN or online via instagram / Twitter / facebook its lovely to see what other people are doing on their blogs . In our case the passion for DIY and up cycling preloved furniture and homeware! I had admired Catherine’s work from the moment I set eyes on her instagram page – it had that shabby chic feel which I love and judging by her following on there a LOT of people love it too. I was also struck by how much of a little ‘dolleen’ she is (even in person!..adorable ) so.. I had to meet her and discuss DIY and naturally we couldn’t resist getting a few snaps to showcase Catherine’s own style. Pin-up is a classic vintage style I love to photograph its so colourful and playful and sexy in a classic way! That is why so many of my Hen Party groups love it ! Danielle Mahon did Catherine’s makeup on the day which was amazing and lasted all day. I borrowed the bike from my lovely friend Lorraine who has been known to manage a cycle to my house (and back with no lights) after a glass of vino lol! She also lent me the beautiful ‘Singer’ sewing machine for the shoot which you may have spotted on TV if you watched’Come dine with me’ .Lorraine’s hubby Danny won it with a custard pie fight!! Celebs in our midst here we have! . I created the sets for Catherine before she arrived so we could just shoot and then have lots of tea and chats about our love of up cycling ! She got a tour of my home studio which has many pieces I have worked on and repurposed for use on boudoir and pin-up photoshoots. I will do a blog on it someday soon! It is a mix of shabby chic with an old-world and gothic twist so it was lovely to compare our styles and admire both.
Here are some snaps of the day … check out Catherine’s work – she creates many beautiful gifts by hand a lovely idea for babies, hens , mothers etc. You can’t go wrong with something personal!
Catherine’s site : Dainty Dress Diaries has links to her Etsy shop/Twitter/facebook , instagram and pinterest.
catherine’s blog on me:
Catherine’s blog on Danielle’s studio:
Vintage style green dress in photos: Lady Vintage
Bloggers network and school for blogging : ITWBN ITWBN on Facebook contact Saibh Egan on FB or Sinead at Yummy Mummy on FB also.